- School starts at 8.30am when the gate will be opened
- All children need to arrive before 8.45 when the gate will be locked
- Playtime is at 10.45am
- Lunch is at 12.00pm
- School ends at 3.15pm
Current weekly compulsory time in school - 31.7 hours
From January 2023 school hours will be 8.45 – 3.15 (32.5 hours)
We have four classes. Reception are taught on their own and the other three classes are mixed age.
Coral Class - Reception
Amber Class - Year 1 and 2
Quartz Class - Year 3 and 4
Jet Class - Year 5 and 6
Parents are welcome to discuss their child with the class teacher or Head teacher, appointments can be made at any time.
Each half term we hold ‘Classroom Connects’. These are an opportunity for the children to show parents and carers their classroom and their books. In addition we have two formal parent consultation meetings in the autumn and spring terms. We produce a written report at the end of the academic year.
We have an active 'Friends' association, whose objective is to raise funds for the school by organising social events, thus enhancing the collective spirit we at Langham are so proud of.
We consider the school's links with the child's home to be important and hope that parents will always feel free to enter the school and talk with the class teachers.