The Langham Village School Discovery Curriculum is rooted in our belief that all our children will have the opportunity to succeed because we provide an ambitious, thoughtfully planned and structured, knowledge rich curriculum that stimulates the curiosity of every child.
The Langham village School Discovery Curriculum is carefully sequenced and builds on and challenges previous knowledge and understanding to ensure that it is successfully integrated and retained in the long-term memory. We promote a culture of ambition in everything we do; attainment, personal and social development and community links.
At Langham Village School our goal is to create relevant and engaging learning experiences that cultivate children's curiosity and build their confidence, knowledge and skills; to spark genuine enthusiasm, contributing to a positive learning environment. Our Discovery curriculum is enjoyable, inclusive, coherent, relevant and creative.
At the heart of our approach is the belief that learning should be fun. Our Discovery Curriculum ignites children’s curiosity and cultivates their love of discovering new knowledge and skills. We believe that every child has a right to an ambitious and inclusive education, which drives their aspirations and achievement, whatever their background or learning needs. Creative and exploratory learning opportunities unlock children's imagination and allow them to express themselves, explore different possibilities and widen their horizons.
Our curriculum is multi-layered and offers a wide range of enrichment opportunities. Although our starting points are the National Curriculum, we have a rich curriculum that focuses on our children’s needs and interests, local, national and global issues. This approach results in articulate children who love to be curious and question the world around them. We are particularly proud of our ‘Out and About’ program. We are also very lucky to have a beautifully, rich outdoor learning environment. We employ a Forest School Leader who works with all the children in the school.
Our curriculum holds our school values of kindness, friendship, adaptability, cooperation, respect and resilience at its heart. It is bespoke to Langham Village School and is regularly reviewed and refined. We focus on developing the learning characteristics that our children will need to be successful in later life; collaboration, communication, critical thinking, problem solving, being curious, creative and reflective. The school takes a coordinated approach to mental health and wellbeing. We have a mental health champion and have embedded a ‘Time for Me’ program throughout the school to maximise support and impact for every child.